The Ask.

Our client came to us looking for a team to dedicate more time and resources to their advertising, digital media goals, and in turn help increase their average monthly volume and revenue.

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How We Delivered.

  • Strategy And Execution Through Media

    Understanding what potential customers want to see and delivering exactly that is what we specialize in. Through research, storyboarding, and production we create media that not only gives you content you can advertise but also content that can properly represent your business.

  • Behavioral Targeting, Tracking And Reporting

    With our data-driven approach our analytics team closely monitors behavior on your website and interactions on the advertisements to understand who your potential customer is and what they are really looking for. Based on the events tracked and pages visited we contextually cater ads to the user.

Ad Platforms Utilized

  • Targeted keyword, vehicle listing ad, and display campaigns advertising to used car searchers and retargeting based on behavior.

  • Hyperlocal video campaigns showcasing types of vehicles available and reasons to buy layered with short video and carousel retargeting.

  • Our team took advantage of the low cost CPMs that story ads offer to get the most for our client’s money with a branding campaign. Feed retargeting also proved to be extremely effective.

  • Focusing on words that proved to attract customers who were farther down the purchase funnel helped us increase organic discovery by new customers.

The Result.

  • 64% Increase In Sales Volume.*

  • 29% Increase In Website Leads.*

  • 26% Increase In Average Session Duration Of All Web Users.*

Give Your Business The Boost It Needs With Wūrk.

*All data comparisons based on period compared to same time period in 2022*